Are you upgrading….do something wonderful with your old Kindle, iPad, Nook or eReader to help students in Africa

Mwaudi Lutheran School students

Every year we travel to Tanzania on a mission trip.  One of the schools we always visit is the Mwaudi Lutheran Secondary School, a boarding school open to secondary level students regardless of faith. Although they take all classes in primary school in Swahili, they take all their classes in secondary school in English.  They currently have approximately 300 students who consider it a privilege to be going to school. Tanzania does not have free public education beyond primary level. The families sacrifice greatly to provide this education to their children.

The school currently has a library that fits in a closet.  Students are in need of reference books. One of the ideas we had is to collect Kindles, iPads, Nooks or eReaders and download reference materials on for their use. The school does not have Wi-Fi access but they can read the reference books that are downloaded. Please consider donating a Kindle or other reading device to this worthy cause. We usually have from 10-20 in our group so we will all pack them in our bags for the trip. Please contact Bob Allen for additional information.