We greatly appreciate the partnerships with the Body of Christ around the world.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is being embraced in Tanzania and the growth is phenomenal. The government welcomes the spread of Christianity as it brings stability and peace to the people.
The Lutheran Church is the fastest growing church in Tanzania.

Many mission trips have been held to meet various needs. Some come to do bush evangelism or conduct a Vacation Bible School.

Some come to do eyeglass clinics or serve using their medical skills.
Some come to teach. They stay a few weeks, months or longer. All secondary schools classes are taught in English and the students are eager to improve their English. Some come just to teach English. There is a Lutheran secondary school that is located in the town that hosts the famous Williamson Diamond Mine.
Some come to help build churches, homes, dormitories, or dig wells.

We need roofs for churches. The people clear the land, make their own bricks and build the church as a labor of love. Men, women, and children all participate. There is no money for roofs which must be made of tin sheets. Help for roofs is a great need.
Some come to teach those studying to be pastors and deaconesses. One of our biggest needs is to train and equip those who studying to be pastors and deaconesses. One of our biggest needs is to train and equip those who will pastor churches. The harvest is plentiful and pastors are needed to disciple all the new Christians.

Churches lack Bibles and Hymnals in Swahili. Churches need altars, altar cloths, chalice, etc. Tanzanians take great pride in their church and want it to reflect their reverence for God.
Pastors serve several churches that are far apart. Transportation is a great need. Pastors need motorbikes and bicycles.
We need to support pastors for training and support their families. There is also a training program for those wishing to become evangelists, deacons, and pastors. Support is needed for those qualifying for this training.

Widows need help with projects to support themselves and their children upon the death of the husband. There are no pensions or life insurance. The Naomi Project helps with micro loans to widows to support their families.
What a wonderful place for volunteers both active and retired to bring their skills and minister. We need pastors, teachers, engineers, nurses, doctors, administrative and computer personnel.

Tanzania is home to the famed Serengeti and the land is beautiful. You wouldn’t want to leave without enjoying a safari.