Our Challenges

Many people in the country of Tanzania still practice traditional beliefs, and animism,  which includes the worship of deceased ancestors. Some people still consult witch doctors and follow their advice. This often results in violence to women and children. For instance, older women who have red eyes are considered witches and are in danger of being killed.

There is a high incidence of albinism in this country and some believe that their body parts can bring good luck or riches. The albinos are in danger of being mutilated or killed. We still battle with corruption and domestic violence.

Due to poverty and lack of resources, and  clean water, diseases flourish such as Malaria, TB, Malnutrition, Gastrointestinal Diseases, HIV-AIDS, Diabetes.

We need new technology and the education to use these resources to  protect our natural resources and teach the people how to support their families.

 bicycles transport goods to market

We need to provide education  to all  our children.

Our biggest need is to introduce and spread the  Gospel of Jesus Christ through church planting and equipping of pastors. ELCT SELVD established in 2012 December had 14,371 members, 5 Districts, 37 Parishes and 70 Sub Parishes. By 2022 December when it marked 10 years of existence it has a total of 28,498 members, 15 Districts, 105 Parishes and 312 Sub Parishes.

These new churches are built by hand by the members of the congregation but they need money to put up a tin roof. This is the second greatest need.