Category: albinos
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League grant funds home for albino women
A LWML grant in the amount of $6,386 was graciously awarded to LWML member Cindy Jurgensen of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Memphis, and presented on January 5th, 2025, by Christine Acomb, LWML West Tennessee Zone president. The grant was requested for the Tanzania Deaconess Home for young women impacted by albinism. This ministry provides…
Serving needs of albino children
By: Cindy Jurgensen, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Memphis, TN It was great to see the 3 newly constructed dorms for the albino children. They are only using 1 dorm, due to lack of staffing. The bunk beds, bathroom, washing sink and NEW playground equipment!! What fun we had playing with the children, handing out…
Albino men equipped with life skills
The South East Diocese of Lake Victoria has launched a sewing class early February, 2024, at the Diocesan Training Center of Bishop Emmanuel Makala Kilichopo Negezi, Kishapu District. This class involves young albino males. This teachers albino men to have a way to make a living when they leave the sheltered compound that has been…
Fire burns down the dormitory, killing three children with disabilities in Shinyanga
Linda Funke post: On the night of Nov. 23 around 11pm, a fire broke out in one of the dorms of the Buhangija refuge center and school in Shinyanga. This center houses kids with albinism and kids who are blind and/or deaf. Three girls died in the fire and 28 girls were injured. The three…