UHAI NA MAZINGIRA ….Life and Environment

Bishop Makala and members of the South East of Lake Victoria diocese  traveled to Kishapu to receive solar heaters and cows to distribute to the needy in their region. They were provided by the UHAI NA MAZINGIRA project. Translated this means life and environment.

Christmas time is near and it is a traditional gift giving time.  These people in Tanzania are receiving needed gifts to improve their life and environment. They are so happy to get a cow which provides milk for their family and  they can sell the milk  as a source of income. They eventually can slaughter it for sale and consumption.  The people  receiving the gifts were required to travel  to Arusha to go through livestock training  and are given  instruction manuals  to remind them of what they learned before they got their cow. This is a big deal and a real blessing.

people happy to get gifts
Mr. Mchele is the veterinary officer in Kishapu District. He is happy to see these gifts.

The other item being given are solar heaters that will heat the water for domestic use in the home. Remember that Tanzania is right under the equator, so this is a great way for them to use the solar energy without having to search for wood to burn and is much safer. Again, this is a real treat for the family. Twenty cows and solar heaters were given in all. You can see the anticipation and happiness at receiving these gifts.

Last Sunday in church Bob Allen  Mission coordinator for the Mid South District of the LCMS talked about the gifts of cows and goats to families at Christmas.  As we shop for our families and Christmas, consider how much you could bless a family with a gift of a cow or solar heaters. Contact Bob Allen if you are interested in learning how to do this. He is leading a mission trip to Tanzania in May and these gifts would be just as welcome then.

Enjoy the pictures….

children waiting for cows
children are watching and anticipating

cows in a truck

truck arrives with cows

men getting cows out of trucks
men unload cows
woman happy to get cow
woman is so happy to receive her cow
little girl with a rope
little girl waits with her rope to take the cow back to her home place.



woman getting instructions
people go to training to care for livestock and are given manuals for care.


people waiting with ropes for cows
ready with their ropes to lead cows home
bishop gives away first cow
Bishop presents cows as gifts. These are life saving and life changing gifts.


woman receives her heater
woman receives solar heater. Many women are widows. She has a rope so she is getting a cow too. She  can now support herself and her children.
Christmas in Tanzania
Christmas in Tanzania.
ladies receiving cows and heaters
ladies in Tanzania are grateful for the gifts of heaters and cows


we give thanks
In all things, we give thanks