Deaconess Sandra Rhein traveled to the Bishop Makala Training Centre in Negezi to teach the deaconess training program. These ladies are eager to learn and bring their talents to the Body of Christ. This training program is also a part of the partnership with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD).
Sandra Rhein provided us with this explanation of the class she taught .
“The class I taught was “Theology of Mercy”. Here is a little summary: Two fundamental concepts under gird the deaconess vocation: theology and need. Diaconic mercy is always theological. Mercy and diakonia have their origin in God Himself. It is not my mercy; it doesn’t start with me. It is God’s. The Father loved the world and in the mystery of that love and passion is the origin of diakonia. I am an instrument of His mercy and love. That is what I embody. This requires a sort of death and resurrection of myself. The second thing is need. Theology is nothing if not practical. It is not about being intellectual, but about love towards people. As deaconesses, we watch for where there is need, and that is where we serve.”