Tag: roofs

  • Storm damages Busongo Church

    Storm damages Busongo Church

    A  three-hour storm swept through Shinyanga and caused damage to many homes and injured some residents and took the life of a five-year-old child. Many houses lost their roofs. Busongo Church, a part of the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese was damaged and the roof blown off. The members built the church, laboring to make the bricks…

  • Laying cornerstone for Church in Kolandoto parish

    Laying cornerstone for Church in Kolandoto parish

    On April 30, 2015 a  service at Kolandoto parish in which  Bishop Emmanuel Makala helped to lay a corner stone of the new church building to accommodate the growth of members in that area. This is an exciting venture for the congregation as they clear, make the bricks and build the church, a true labor of…

  • Churches In Need of Roofs

    Churches In Need of Roofs

    Building a church is Tanzania is quite a feat. It is all done by members of the congregation donating their time and materials to dig the foundation, donate the rock used in the foundation and money for bags of cement.Then they begin the process of making brick,by hand, firing the bricks. Next  they begin the process…