Category: Stories

  • We meet Gloria

    We meet Gloria

    On our 2014 mission trip to Tanzania, we worshiped on Sunday in a church  in the Shinyanga district. About five people came forward for baptisms including an pretty baby girl. I noticed that the person that brought her forward looked older than the typical mother. When she returned to her seat, I admired the baby…

  • Tanzanians love to sing in their Worship services

    Tanzanians love to sing in their Worship services

    The last service of our 2015 trip in Meatu was at the Baraka church pastored by Patrick Zengo.We presented the church with boxes of Bibles in Swahili. The choir sang their praises in this song which means Safety in Jesus. Notice their beautiful outfits as you listen to them sing.

  • Raising up Church Workers in Tanzania

    Raising up Church Workers in Tanzania

    Raising up Church Workers in Tanzania   The Reporter Online/LCMS “Today we give thanks to God,” the Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill said March 14, “as we celebrate the graduation of the first pastoral and deaconess classes from the Bishop Makala Training Center” in Tanzania. The next day, 21 new pastoral candidates were ordained and seven deaconesses…

  • Women in the Church

    Women in the Church

    Since Tanzania is experiencing a phenomenal growth in Christianity and specifically in the Lutheran Church, the need to train deaconesses is great. Women are eager to serve the Lord and to be trained to use their talents. We currently need training opportunities for 62 deaconesses. We need to have a Diaconal training center. Many women…