Category: Stories

  • Making Christmas memories from Tennessee to Tanzania

    Making Christmas memories from Tennessee to Tanzania

    Eli, John, Samantha and Finley are in the giving frame of mind as they make our their Christmas wish list. At a family meeting, they discussed how they can give something meaningful at Christmas.  As their grandparents travel to Tanzania on a mission trip every year, they reached out for suggestions. One suggestion seemed to…

  • Cows for Christmas….what a great idea

    Cows for Christmas….what a great idea

    Cows for Christmas….what a wonderful idea! Redeemer Lutheran Church  in Periora, IL had this program last Christmas and called it a complete success. Mwaudi Lutheran Secondary School in Tanzania  was able to purchase 9 female cows and 1 bull from the program.  Seven of the cows were pregnant when they arrived and are due to calve in…

  • Mission trip to Tanzania described as life changing.

    Mission trip to Tanzania described as life changing.

    Sherry Johnson, Trinity Lutheran Church, Houston, TX shares her story of her recent trip to Tanzania that she took with Karen Schescke. My trip to Tanzania was life changing.  We were sent to share love and Jesus with the people in Shinyanga but I believe we were impacted and changed as much as they were.  Our…

  • Itilima Outreach…..overcoming witch doctors with the Gospel

    Itilima Outreach…..overcoming witch doctors with the Gospel

    There are a number villages in the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese ( SELVD) that present challenges to ministry  outreach because of the number of traditional believers that practice  a belief of superstition. These villages include: Lamadi, Ngela, Mwamachibya, Nyashimo, Mkula, Sapiwi, Masewa, Dutwa, Mwakibuga, Bupandagila, Ng’wang’wali, Nyangokolwa, Gaswa, Ikindilo, Sanungu, Lyalu, Mbiti, Ngulyati,…