Category: Stories
Buhangija Albino Center
One of the most sobering places we have visited the last few years on our annual mission trip the Buhangija Albino Center in Shinyanga. This is a place where we see the innocence of youth and learn of the evils of man. The Buhangija Albino compound is one of 4 or 5 similar compounds in…
Career Day in Tanzania
Cindy and Mike Jurgensen of Memphis, TN went to Tanzania two weeks early to spend time at a Lutheran Secondary School. They report their experiences spending time with students there on career day. One student was so excited about Mike’s teaching on his years of being a pilot, that he wrote a letter to him…
The Naomi Project: From widow to child of God
By: Judy Irwin There is such great comfort in the knowledge that nothing comes into our lives without first passing through God’s filter, especially when a life changing event occurs. The sudden illness and death of my husband in 2011 was such an event. At the time, I had no idea the journey that the…
We came for Maria
We recently finished our annual mission trip to Tanzania. Our goal is to assist in church planting/evangelism by partnering with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, a country located in East Africa. The church body is called KKKT which stands for kanisa la kiinjili la kilutheri Tanzania. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) is the federation…