Category: Stories

  • Career Day in Tanzania

    Career Day in Tanzania

    Cindy and Mike Jurgensen of Memphis, TN went to Tanzania two weeks early to spend time at a Lutheran Secondary School. They report their experiences spending time with students there on career day.  One student was so excited about Mike’s teaching on his years of being a pilot, that he wrote a letter to him…

  • The Naomi Project: From widow to child of God

    The Naomi Project: From widow to child of God

    By: Judy Irwin There is such  great comfort in the knowledge that nothing comes into our lives without  first passing through God’s filter, especially when a life changing event occurs.  The sudden illness and death of my husband in 2011 was such an event.  At the time, I had no idea the journey that the…

  • We came for Maria

    We came for Maria

    We recently finished  our annual mission trip to Tanzania. Our goal is to assist in church planting/evangelism by partnering with  the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, a country located in  East Africa. The church body is called KKKT which stands for kanisa la kiinjili la kilutheri Tanzania. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) is the federation…

  • Mwadui Secondary School receives gifts of Kindle Fires  from American students

    Mwadui Secondary School receives gifts of Kindle Fires from American students

    The 2016 mission trip to Tanzania is finished, and filled us with  many wonderful memories. One of my favorites is visiting the Mwadui Lutheran Secondary school. We came  to present the students with a gift of six new Kindle Fires loaded with reference materials and two tablets for their use in the new library that…