Category: Mission Trip
This is my Church
This is the story of Christ’s church, given to us!In our life together, as individuals, congregations and districts, who witness to Christ and bear His mercy, God is changing and saving lives! #thisisMYchurch highlights the good the LCMS is doing in the world and when you hear about it, we believe you’ll exclaim, “Wow, this…
Memphis Christ the King members work to fund raise for upcoming trip to Tanzania
Members of Christ the King in Memphis TN work hard to raise funds for their upcoming mission trip to Tanzania in May, 2016. They sponsored a lenten dinner for the congregation to raise funds. Two members of this group, Mike and Cindy Jurgensen will go early, spending a month assisting in Mwaudi Lutheran school and…
Christ the King in Memphis prepares for 2016 trip to Tanzania
The group at Christ the King in Memphis, TN works and fund raises for two years so they can make a trip to Tanzania to serve and spread the gospel message. They are very ingenious ideas with their fundraising ideas from serving dinners to making crafts to sell as outlined in this previous post. This is…
Albino compound visitors show care and concern….for the least of these
Deaconess Sandra Rhein and Dr. Peter Brock, from Ft. Wayne Seminary, spent two weeks in Tanzania teaching at the mission training center in Negezi. They also found time to visit the Buhangija Albino Centre in the Shinyanga region. They brought gifts of rice and beans to the compound which was greatly appreciated and needed. The compound…