Author: Susan Allen
Khama experiences phenomenal growth ….adds another church
Kahama is a large city of approximately 36,000 people in the South East of Lake Victoria diocese that hosts many Lutherans. Due to the distance and the size of the area, there are currently are three parishes, Agape, Sayuni and, Bethania serving the people. This past Good Friday, Bishop Makala visited Khama, to consecrate the plot…
Hannah is baptized at 98
BY: Judy Irwin Murphy, NC Can you imagine what it would be like to be going about your daily chores and have a group of strangers show up on your street, come to your house and tell you of someone you had never heard of before? These strangers are of a different color, they don’t look…
First Graduations Take Place at LCMS-Supported Tanzania Center
Cross Posted at Lutherans Engage the World — Engaging the Church in the work of witness and mercy across the globe in our life together by LCMS Erik M. Lunsford Tanzanian Pastor Frank Mdindi isn’t yet used to being called “pastor.” On a Friday in March, he jotted notes during a…