Author: Susan Allen
Training pastors in SELVD to serve because the harvest is plentiful…..
Dr. Peter Brock, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Decatur, IN, traveled to East of Lake Victoria Diocese in the Shinyanga district. He spent two weeks teaching pastors at the Bishop Makala Training Centre in Negezi, Tanzania. He taught the Books of Moses and Prophets. This is part of an ongoing partnership to train pastors…
Women in the Church: “As deaconesses, we watch for where there is need, and that is where we serve.”
Deaconess Sandra Rhein traveled to the Bishop Makala Training Centre in Negezi to teach the deaconess training program. These ladies are eager to learn and bring their talents to the Body of Christ. This training program is also a part of the partnership with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the South East of…
Albino compound visitors show care and concern….for the least of these
Deaconess Sandra Rhein and Dr. Peter Brock, from Ft. Wayne Seminary, spent two weeks in Tanzania teaching at the mission training center in Negezi. They also found time to visit the Buhangija Albino Centre in the Shinyanga region. They brought gifts of rice and beans to the compound which was greatly appreciated and needed. The compound…