Albino compound visitors show care and concern….for the least of these

Deaconess Sandra Rhein and Dr. Peter Brock, from Ft. Wayne Seminary, spent two weeks in Tanzania teaching at the mission training center in Negezi. They also found time to visit the Buhangija Albino Centre in the Shinyanga region. They brought gifts of rice and beans to the compound which was greatly appreciated and needed.

The compound houses albino children of all ages for their safety from witch doctors who maim and kill them for their body parts.  They are seen as outcasts for this reason. The witch doctors teach the people that these parts will bring them good luck.  For their safety, they are raised in this gated community. Space, food, medicine and educational needs are sparse.  Recent publicity from all over the world has brought some help, but more is needed.

The pictures tell the story.

school at albino compound
class at albino compound
visit to compound rheim
Deaconess Rhein makes a friend
nursery at albino compound
nursery at albino compoun
Block and Rheim deliver food to albino compound
greetings and gifts of beans and rice
eating at albino compound
children eating porridge at compound
touring bedding at albino compound
touring dorm rooms