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Graduation at Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School
On Saturday 21.10.2023 there has been a form four graduation at Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School, located in Shinyanga Province inside the Williamson diamond mine. The guest of honour was Bishop Dr. Yohana Nzelu of the South East Diocese of Lake Victoria. 106 students have graduated form four at the school.
Mdindi installed as district pastor over the Meatu district
Bishop Dr. Yohana Nzelu presided over the installation of Pastor Frank Mdindi on 8-20-23 as district pastor over the Meatu district.
7th Annual Theological Symposium held
By: Naomichi Masaki On August 8-11, South East of Lake Victoria Diocese of ELCT held her 7th Annual Theological Symposium that drew 155 registered participants including pastors, deaconesses, 4th cohort Concordia Pastoral and Diaconal Training Program students, and evangelists. Pastor Peter Brock (St. John, Bingen, and First Vice President of Indiana District) and I served…
Dedication in the Northern Province of Busega, the parish of Ebebeza Nyashimo
A year ago over 700 people were baptized in this little village of Gininiga. On the Sunday that the mission team left the the people worshipped together in a location that was purchased by donations from individuals and congregations of our team members. Since last June this little congregation has been constructing this building themselves…
“Mungu akupenda we we…
God loves you!“