News Updates
Mission Trips…join us in 2021…..What are you doing that is more important?
Due to the pandemic, the planned 2020 mission trips were canceled. The next mission trips are scheduled for May and another one in June of 2021. If you have questions or are interested in joining us, please contact Bob Allen. Activities on the trip will be varied according to the interests of the group. We…
Bishop congratulates schools on successful term
Dayosisi Bishop south east of Lake Victoria Dr Emmanuel Makala has congratulated the schools of Diocese south east of Lake Victoria for the success of form four students and fourth grade 2020. Dr. Article has provided a mix of results for schools as follows. Mwadui secondary Shinyanga has released division 1 15 students, division 2…
Rev. Nzelu elected to be assistant Bishop
Congratulations Pastor Yohana Nzelu. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania – South East of Lake Victoria Diocese through its general assembly elected Reverend Yohana Ernest Nzelu on 12/12/2020 at Agape Parish in West district (Kahama) to be the Assistant to the Bishop. He formerly worked as a Community Development Coordinator at East of Lake Victoria…
Redeemer Lutheran of Peroria, IL provides funds for basketball court
Thank you again Redeemer Lutheran from Peoria, IL Your are such a blessing to Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School. We give thanks for you! They donated funds to get this basketball court funded for the students. This much needed recreational exercise is so vital to the physical and mental well being of students.
“Mungu akupenda we we…
God loves you!“