Ode to Nancy Herd: what a difference you made

We were sadden to hear of the passing of Nancy Herd, wife of retired pastor Cliff Herd of Chattanooga. She passed on September 1, 2018. Cliff and Nancy were on our 2013 mission trip to Tanzania. They were no strangers to Africa and by the end of her earthly time, Nancy had logged 15 mission trips to Tanzania, Uganda, and the Ivory Coast.

he receives his glasses

I was privileged to work with her in the 2013 trip where she set up an eye glass clinic in Bairidi.

While the rest of the team went out to do bush evangelism, she set up a clinic in the back room of a church. We did take our glasses out to the bush one day to do a make shift mobile clinic. She taught me and also some Tanzanians how to do the exam and pick out glasses closest to the needed prescription. She brought all the glasses from the Lions Club in America so the glasses we were handing out were used. But to the people in Tanzania, they were like gold.

mobile clinic in the bush

We became a team that week. She was quite the inspiration. Nancy was already in stage four of multiple myeloma  at the time of the trip. She had previously battled breast cancer, but now it had returned. I was more than a little concerned about her making the trip, but she outdid me with her stamina and positive attitude. It was apparent that she intended to live every moment of her life using her gift of service. I count it a privilege to get to know her and work with her that week.

We ran into Cliff and Nancy a few years later at a mission fair and she was visibly thinner but still going strong. They were preparing for another trip to Uganda. We extend our sympathy to Pastor Cliff and his family.

doing the exam

Word of mouth brought them to the clinic

Well done, good and faithful servant. See the banquet table has been prepared for you. Now, come and let the rejoicing begin.